General Employer Action Plan

Act on Advancement of Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation

In order to provide an environment in which employees can demonstrate their capabilities and work comfortably while achieving a good work-life balance, we have formulated the following action plan.

1. Planning Period

April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2025

2. Contents

Goal 1: Creating an environment that makes it easy to take childcare leave and return to work


  • Publicize the childcare and family care leave regulations and the Papa and Mama Childcare Leave Plus system (summarize the system in an easy-to-understand manner and post it on the company intranet)
    Consider holding seminars and correspondence courses during childcare leave, and seminars to support employees returning to work

Goal 2: Raise awareness of various systems, such as childcare leave benefits under the Employment Insurance Act, during childcare leave


  • Before taking childcare leave, we will explain childcare leave benefits to eligible individuals and prepare the necessary paperwork.
    Hold explanatory sessions on the childcare leave system in each department.

Goal 3: Reduce overtime work hours


  • Identify and analyze wasteful operations.
    Create a system that allows for multi-skilling of work without work being concentrated in a specific department or by a few individuals.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries, questions, or requests for information.